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Granite  is  a  light-colored  plutonic  rock  found  throughout  the continental  crust,  most  commonly  in  mountainous  areas.  It consists   of   coarse   grains   of   quartz   (10-50%),   potassium feldspar, and sodium feldspar. These minerals make up more than  80%  of  the  rock.  Other  common  minerals  include  mica (muscovite and biotite) and hornblende (see amphibole).

•The  chemical  composition  of  granite  is  typically  70-77% silica,  11-13%  alumina,  3-5%  potassium  oxide,  3-5%  soda, 1%  lime,  2-3%  total  iron,  and  less  than  1%  magnesia  and titania.

•Volcanic  rock  of  equivalent  chemical  composition  and mineralogy is called rhyolite.

•Granites   are   the   most   abundant   plutonic   rocks   of mountain belts and continental shield areas. They occur in great   batholiths   that   may   occupy   thousands   of   square

kilometers  and  are  usually  closely  associated  with  quartz monzonite, granodiorite, diorite, and gabbro.



•Available in the form of slabs, modular tiles and other tailor made sizes and thickness.

•Finishes: Mirror Polished, Honed Finish, Flamed, Modular Tiles - Chamfered / Beveled, Calibrated, Back Grooved.

•Sizes: Slabs: Counter size - Min. 250cm x 75cm

Gang Saw Size Slabs: Min. 280cm x 182cm & up in 2cm, 3cm & 4cm thickness.

Vertical / Cutter Size Slabs: 180 cm & up x 65 cm to 85 cm in 2cm, 3cm & 4cm thickness.

•Tiles: 30 cm x 30cm up to 90 cm x 90 cm in 1cm, 2cm, 3cm thickness.

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